Code of Conduct
Lips above the hips, poles out of holes.
“Nothing goes inside anybody’s anything.” — Rain City Jacks
Penetrative sex is awesome but that’s not what we do. Austin Jacks follows the general rule of jack-off clubs: no oral, no anal.
This applies to our communal spaces on Bateworld and Telegram.
Consent is cool. Non-consent is kind.
Nobody likes being told no. But also nobody likes a lawsuit, which is why Austin Jacks is consent-based. “Can I touch you here or there?” or “Would you like me to touch you this or that way” are friendly ways of gaining consent from a bate buddy. Saying “no thanks” is kind.
This applies to members you meet through our spaces on Bateworld and Telegram. Ask before sending “lewd” content. Don’t download and share member photos and videos without their consent.
Respect and protect your brother.
You will meet guys of all different sexual orientations and identities. Some may be out as bators, some may not. Respect everyone's privacy. No photos or videos. Don’t describe bators outside of our events. Respect everyone’s anonymity.
This applies to our communal spaces on Bateworld and Telegram. Don’t download and share member photos and videos without their consent.
Other ways to create good vibes
No alcohol or drugs, except 📼💥 and pheromones.
Don't spread the gunk.
If you're not feeling well, even if it's allergies, do not come (definitely cum tho but at home).Have a great time.
First time?
We’ve created a walkthrough to give you a heads up on what to expect for your first time attending a social masturbation event.